Can you help top up our emergency food pantry?
Our emergency food pantry, centrally located at our Engage Wellbeing Hub, provides essential food items that can be picked up by people affected by homelessness in a time of crisis.
Our pantry contains basic non-perishable food such as rice, pasta, tinned fruit and vegetables that allow people living in our temporary housing to pick up a small food parcel to make easy and quick meals. These parcels can be provided in emergency situations and to provide temporary relief when people do not have access to the usual local network of food banks and support, for example when they have just moved into accommodation over a weekend or have no access essentials.
A key part of keeping our pantry topped up is donations from the local community, and we’re appealing for donations this spring to keep it stocked. Take a look at our wish list below:
If you would like to arrange a donation or collection please contact: jessamynwitthaus@actionhomeless.org.uk
If you’re a local business and would like to help support us in keeping our food pantry topped up, there are a variety ways you can do this. You can donate food items or food vouchers, or use our online donation platform to donate funds for us to purchase the items we need.
Thank you!