Building confidence through the Women’s Open Space

Rebecca witnessed and experienced sexual assault as a child and suffered from domestic violence and exploitation. She moved back to Leicester after living in another area. Rebecca moved away from those who surrounded her and who were taking advantage of her financially. She moved to Leicester with relatives, however not long after this she became homeless and began rough sleeping for almost 3 years.

When Rebecca first came to Action Homeless, she was offered supported accommodation which made her less vulnerable than when she was sleeping on the streets and a roof over her head has made her feel safe again. She now has access to services and support, and engages with agencies such as probation, Adult Social Care and local charities. Rebecca also attends regular appointments and interacts with the staff team, to help improve her mental health and communication skills. The team ensure that Rebecca has been signposted to all the relevant services she may need, and that she receives the support she wants and needs.

Rebecca regularly attends appointments and interacts with staff, helping the team to monitor her progress and ensure she is on the right path. When Rebecca first attended the Women’s Open Space she did not interact or communicate much with the other women, however now she likes joining the sessions as they keep her busy and she has become more confident and communicates more. One of her sons visits her occasionally, which is encouraging Rebecca to reach her goal of having contact with her children again. She also communicates more with staff, which helps to build relationships and the team can understand how she is feeling physically and mentally. Rebecca is currently in the process of being assessed by Adult Social Care, as she benefits from more help with tasks such as cooking and shopping.

Rebecca’s goal is to “get back to her old self” and to be with her two sons, as she feels there is a big part of her missing without them. She would like to move back to an area she has lived in previously and to be able to look after herself again.

*Name changed to protect identity