Improved mental health and the confidence to take positive next steps

While living in one of our low support properties Tom visited the drop in sessions at our Engage Wellbeing Hub. These regular sessions allow people experiencing homelessness and living in temporary accommodation to get support with various day to tasks such as phone calls or any IT related issues, as well as completing applications for more permanent housing. The drop in sessions also offer a relaxed and welcoming environment to simply pop in for a hot drink and a chat to our Wellbeing Hub Coordinator and volunteers.

Tom has struggled a lot with anxiety as well as his physical health. Attending a drop in at the Wellbeing Hub was a big step for him as previously he had been reluctant to access services where he did not know the staff, or did not have someone to accompany him. He was able to talk to the Hub Coordinator about his mental health concerns, and it was agreed with his Support Worker that a good option would be for him to be referred to Homeless Mental Health Services in the local area.

After visiting the Hub and receiving support there, Tom felt more at ease and hopeful that he could start to work on improving his mental health and confidence.

The staff at the Hub made it clear he would be welcome to come back for any further support. Tom felt he was given the help necessary to take the next steps to improving his general wellbeing, and was optimistic that things could slowly get better for him.

Tom’s main goal moving forward is to develop his confidence and improve his mental health. He would also like to work towards having some closer friends that he can look to for support and companionship. He is hopeful that he will have his own rented property soon.