Children in Need
Building Blocks is a specialist project which is funded by BBC Children in Need, now in it’s 7th year at Action Homeless. The project is based at our women’s refuge and helps to break the cycle of homelessness by providing support to children in our services up to 12 years of age.
One to one support and group play sessions with the children helps to build more positive relationships, allows the children to feel more stable and improves their ability to express emotions.
This year Building blocks has supported 22 children, and thanks to funding from BBC Children in Need, we have a dedicated Play Facilitator onsite 5 days a week to work with the children in our services. As well as being able to provide toys, games and books to the children, additional funding has also allowed us to provide trips and days out for our families to create more memories together.
We are grateful to our funders, BBC Children in Need, for continuing to support such a vital service.