Cost of Living Emergency: How you can help
We’re facing a cost of living emergency in the UK. This will undoubtedly push more people towards homelessness and for those already affected, it will make life much harder.
We’re already providing accommodation to 270 people on any given night but we want to go a step further and ensure that despite price hikes, people affected by homelessness still have access to the essentials such as food, clothing and toiletries when they need them.
We’re appealing to you, our donors and supporters, to help us to be there for people in crisis. Here are some of the ways that you can help;
- Consider making a donation to Action Homeless – every penny of your donation will be spent on providing life’s essentials to people in crisis.
£10 will pay for an emergency food parcel to protect someone from hunger whilst we access longer term support from a local food bank
£20 will pay for toiletries and towels for a family when they move into temporary accommodation
£50 will pay for a set of basic clothing and footwear for someone in need
We’re all being faced with rising costs but if you can manage without your £400 energy discount (due to be rolled out to households from October), consider donating it to Action Homeless. Your donation will mean that we can respond quickly when people call us for help.
- Organise a collection of toiletries and donate them to us – basics such as sanitary products, toothpaste, toothbrushes shower gel and deodorant can go along way in making people feel more comfortable. Just drop us an email to info@actionhomeless.org.uk or call 0116 2211851 to arrange getting it to us.
- As always, if you see someone rough sleeping, use the Streetlink app or website, to alert local Outreach Teams to connect the person with support.