How Can You Help The Homeless This Winter?
As the day’s get shorter, temperatures drop, and budgets are squeezed, life gets a lot tougher for the homeless and for people in crisis. National rough sleeping figures have doubled since 2010 and recent reports suggest that 116,000 families will be hit by the new benefit cap. Furthermore, Leicester City Council believes that approximately 2000 families will be immediately affected.
With this in mind, Action Homeless want to run through a few ways that you can directly help individuals and families in crisis this winter.
No Second Night Out:
This is your opportunity to help us reach more people in need.
Set up in partnership with national organisation Street Link, No Second Night Out Leicestershire offers members of the public a direct way to help rough sleepers. If you see someone who you think might be sleeping rough contact Street Link by calling 0300 500 0914, filling in the form on their website, or via their mobile app.
Street Link partner with services like Action Homeless across the country to help rough sleepers. They allow us and other Leicester based charities to send out outreach teams to meet with rough sleepers and provide them with accommodation and support.
Get Advice:
The Duty Desk is our helpline and sign-posting service. Open Monday – Friday, 10am – 5pm, it offers advice to anyone who is homeless or concerned about homelessness for themselves, a friend, or a family member.
If you know someone who is facing difficulties get them to give us a call before they reach crisis point. Where possible Action Homeless want to prevent homelessness before it happens!
You can contact the Duty Desk on 0116 2211 857 or AHDutyDesk@actionhomeless.org.uk
Donating makes a big difference. This winter we are asking for food, toiletries, gifts, and clothes so we can provide everyone in our care with a Christmas to remember. Across our accommodation and through our Food Stop we want to step into the gap this winter and support as many people as possible.
Action Homeless are also looking to raise £30,000 to bring another empty home back into use. By giving directly you can help provide a home to people in need.
Get directly involved and volunteer with us!
Action Homeless have a variety of volunteer positions available this Christmas and there is something for everyone. There are also always opportunities to get involved in a long-term position. Whatever your background and whatever you like doing Action Homeless will do their best to accommodate you and your passions.
If you’re interested in donation, volunteering, or fundraising please contact James on jamesriviere@actionhomeless.org.uk or call 0116 2211 851.