I Have Realised My Dream: Local Author Gives Back to Charity
Andrew Goss, a local author supported by Action Homeless when he experienced homelessness, has chosen to use the launch of his novel ‘The Humanitarian’ to support the charity.
Asked about his experiences and reasons for supporting Action Homeless, Andrew said: “I was made homeless in 2016, after losing my job through injury. I was unable to work and then lost my accommodation. I was lucky, in that I was quickly referred to Action Homeless. First I was at Mayfield House, then two other shared homes, moving through the system before finally I found employment and was able to secure my own rented flat after nearly a year supported by Action Homeless.
Now I have a house of my own in Leicester, which I share with my partner.
And, of course, I have realised my dream to become an author. These days I spend my time between creative writing, freelance communications work and supporting humanitarian projects at home and overseas.
By way of thanks, all proceeds of sales of the eBook version of ‘The Humanitarian’ will go to charities, divided equally between Action Homeless and a Pakistan charity called BES, whom I worked with many years ago in the region of the Himalayas where the book is set.”
If you would like to support Andrew and his chosen charities, a eBook copy of his novel can be found here.
Full details appear on Andrew’s website: www.andrewgoss-author.co.uk