Homes Needed. Landlords Wanted
Homes needed as charity seeks local Landlords
Action Homeless are looking for local landlords with empty properties in Leicester.
The charity is seeking people who are able to offer decent, affordable accommodation for individuals and families in long-term lets that they can call home.
As part of the charity’s mission to bring an end to homelessness, Action Homeless will find suitable tenants for properties whilst landlords benefit from:
- Action Homeless’ 49 years of experience working in Leicester and managing close to 300 units of accommodation.
- The charity will find tenants for properties and provide landlords with the security of long term leases, cover of voids and bad debts to guarantee income.
- Incentives and competitive rents.
- Action Homeless’ dedicated Tenancy Sustainment and Maintenance Teams who support people to maintain their tenancies and ensure properties are properly taken care of.
Action Homeless currently work with over 30 landlords in the local area under a range of agreements, including full management service, property services and finding and vetting tenants.
We’ve published a handy ‘Information for Landlords’ guide to help you understand the different offers available
To find out more about how we can work together, please get in touch with Sandesh on sandeshvivekanand@actionhomeless.org.uk or by calling 07736 994 235