New creative project “In Her Strength”
Leicester women invited to share their experiences of homelessness for creative art project
In Her Strength is a creative art project for women in and around Leicester, who have experienced, or are at risk of experiencing homelessness. The women who participate are being asked to share their stories and experiences for a new project which will highlight the issue. This project is a collaboration between De Montfort University Leicester (DMU) and local charities in the Leicester Homelessness Charter. Vicky Morgan leads the In Her Strength project, with the aim to bring together a group of women as they each develop an autobiographical monologue which details their own experiences.
This project is funded by the Higher Education Innovation Fund and is open to anyone who identifies as female, has experienced homelessness in any form and is comfortable sharing their story. The project will be exhibited online after attending weekly online workshops. Those chosen to take part will need to be available from 1.30-2.30pm every Monday from 7th March to 11th April, to attend the weekly one-hour online workshops, as well as in person on Thursday 5th and Friday 6th May for recording their monologue. Attendees will receive £20 for every session they join.
To apply, women are asked to submit a short writing extract, in any written form (e.g. poem, monologue, short story, etc.), on any subject they like, as well as one line about their experience or risk of homelessness, to by 8pm on Tuesday 22 February. Those who are selected to take part will be informed by Thursday 24th February.
The team will publish audio and video narrative performances as the project develops, and liaise with local theatre partners to develop a live performance production as a way of engaging the people of Leicester in a conversation about homelessness.
Previous examples of work created by In Her Strength can be found on the website here.
For more information or to ask any questions, please email
To see more information click on the information sheet here.