New research highlights lifesaving impact of ‘Housing First’
Homeless Link has recently released the results of their new research, More Than a Roof, with the results overwhelmingly finding that Housing First is successful not just in helping people to sustain their tenancies and break the cycle of homelessness, but also to improve physical and mental health, reduce offending behaviour, and limit emergency services use.
The research explored holistic Housing First outcomes to better understand impacts across health, social care, criminal justice and beyond. The findings are based on a range of sources, with an emphasis on peer research carried out with people with lived experience of Housing First. Providers representing 934 residents were surveyed, and outcomes were investigated over a three-year period.
Action Homeless runs Leicester’s only Housing First project which is now in it’s 3rd year. Funded by The Henry Smith Charity, the project approach is highly personalised and flexible. It supports people with long histories of homelessness to find and maintain a secure home whilst addressing any additional challenges that a particular individual faces. The project builds on people’s strengths, empowering them to find a way out of homelessness.
Earlier this month one client was able to have a day out in Birmingham visiting museums along with his Support Worker, something he was really interested in but wouldn’t have been able to access otherwise.
“I really enjoyed the day…I just can’t thank you enough for it…will always remember it”
Read more about the Housing First approach and research here.