Survey: What does home mean to you?
If you have experienced homelessness, are using Action Homeless’ services currently or have done in the past, we’d love for you to take part in our short survey.
As we review our current strategy and begin planning for the years to come, we’re considering what ‘home’ means to people who have lived experience of homelessness and how we can break the cycle of homelessness.
We have created a small survey (just four questions) and would greatly appreciate you taking time to share your thoughts. All of the responses will be anonymous and will be used to inform the future direction of Action Homeless as we continue to review and develop our strategy and cycle of change.
If you’d like to take part but need some additional support to do so or if you’d prefer to complete the survey in a different format please email eilidhstringer@actionhomeless.org.uk or call 0116 2211851.