We need your help this Christmas
We are making an urgent appeal for help as the shortage of affordable housing in Leicester means many families will be without a safe place to call home this Christmas.
The average cost of a small family home is now over £135,000 locally. Even for those people earning the living wage this is out of reach. Renting can be just as unaffordable, the average rent of a 2 bedroom house is now £600 a month and not only are prices rocketing, but people are expected to find upfront deposits which is simply unachievable for many.
Mark Grant, Chief Executive of Action Homeless commented ‘we are being approached by more and more people everyday who, through no fault of their own, are finding themselves unable to afford to put a roof over their heads. When I started working in homelessness over 25 years ago, we often used to say that we are all only 2 ‘’paydays” away from losing our home, but the reality for many families in Leicestershire is that even if they are in work they simply can’t afford a property and end up out on the street often losing their jobs in the process.’
Action Homeless are asking people to donate so that they can continue their work of renovating some of the 4000 estimated empty properties in the city to create homes for families who need them. Through their appeal, they aim to raise £15,000 which would pay for the complete renovation of an existing property, bringing it back into use as a family home.
Mark Grant continues ‘This time last year I had one of the most rewarding experiences of my career, when I handed the keys for a home to a young family who had just had their first child. Until this point the family had been living separately, with mother and child living in a B&B and the father in a hostel. Giving them their own home for their baby’s first Christmas was the best present anyone could have given them. With the support of our local community, we can make this a reality for many more families in the city’
The appeal will be officially launched by staff, volunteers and beneficiaries at Action Homeless’ inaugural client conference on Thursday 26th November at Leicester Rowing Club.
Donations can be made online or by cheque and sent to Action Homeless, Ridgeway House, Little Hill, Newton Lane, Wigston, LE18 3SE.
in touch with James on 0116 2211851 or jamesriviere@actionhomeless.org.uk